Doing it Right!
We don't use biotechnology to create novel organisms or release unknown oddities into the environment. Instead, we use biotechnology so we can learn the best way to use what is already here!
Ready for the Future
We aren't stuck in the past, but because we don't have to depend on the patentability of what we find, we are free to explore techniques from the past, ascertain if they work, and then understand why. We use the technology of the present to bring the best of the past into the future.
A Rich History
Starting with a Virginia tidewater plantation in the early 1600's, agriculture has run in the family for hundreds of years. The connection to the soil, and appreciation for its bounty, runs deeply.
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Eat naturally!
We want to help people eat the most healthy food possible!
Sometimes it's as simple as helping people gain the confidence to teach themselves a skill. Sometimes, it takes a bit of research.
But no matter what it takes, Rowsdower is committed to a diet enriched with healthy, natural food grown without GMOs, artificial fertilizers or dangerous pesticides.