Rowsdower Enterprises, LLC

Using today's technology to bring the best of the past into the future.

Anyone who has read the books on MinFarming and Fermenting is aware that I am a big fan of journals and logs.   These allow you to pinpoint what works, and what doesn't work over time.  This also applies in the laboratory -- protocols/procedures, recipes for various media, safety data sheets and so forth are important to keep organized and have handy.  This saves time, enhances safety and improves outcomes.

What we use for this at Rowsdower is eLabFTW.  It's a great flexible piece of software that uses a Docker environment that is easy to set up and install on Linux.  We have it loaded on an Ubuntu 18.04 server.  One of the great parts about this, because sometimes labs and laptops don't mix, is it will print out the protocols or recipes you want in a really nice format to bring into the lab with you.  


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